Thursday, 26 May 2011

Booking Through Thursday 19

Booking Through Thursday is a weekly meme which asks a bookish question which you have to answer. This weeks question is:

Do you ever feel like you’re in a reading rut? That you don’t read enough variety? That you need to branch out, spread your literary wings and explore other genres, flavors, styles?

Yes I feel like I'm in a reading rut all the time. Don't get me wrong I read all kinds of books and there's no genre I won't read but I do have phases where I will only be reading one type of book for weeks on end and end up getting tired of it.

I feel bad for not reading more classics and literary books but I just tell myself that I read for pleasure and if the books I read make me happy then what does it matter. There are some weeks where I can't find anything that interests me and I end up reading nothing - those are the worst weeks. I usually have to go back to an old favourite to get me into the reading mood again.

I do however have one permanent rut that I wish I could get out of and that is is that I only like books with happy endings yes I know it's stupid but I can't help it. If I am going to get invested in these characters lives like to know that it all ends well for them.

That's all for now.


  1. Hey!! I love books with happy endings too. I think that is why Cinderella is my favorite fairy tale. I watch any movie about Cinderella.

    Since I read for my own entertainment, I try to choose books that will entertain me. Over the years I have found genres I like, so don't waste much time on reading things I don't like. Time is to short to waste reading a genre I am not enjoying or a series that I no longer enjoy.

  2. I feel bad for not reading alot of classic sometimes too but there is so much new stuff to choose from.

  3. I don't read many classics either, and has long since gotten over the guilt. I try to spread out a bit to avoid the rut.
    I like happy endings too, but have enjoyed books with unhappyish endings too :-)

  4. I totally agree with you on the happy endings point :)

  5. Sometimes I think I should read more of the classics too. I have a bunch of them that came preloaded on my ereader so now maybe I'll actually get to a couple of them!

  6. I wouldn't say it's stupid at all, Sally. I think we all like to feel as though the characters are going to be okay. So I want at least a "hopeful ending."

    Thanks for visiting my blog.

  7. Modern books with happy endings tend to be dwindling fast, I think.

  8. Most classics bore me, and I am a History major.

  9. I'm always looking for books with uhappy endings, for some strange reason. I think most of my favourite book have unhappy endings. I do wonder what that says about me.

  10. Sally, I can totally relate to you about happy endings. I just finished a HUGE huge that it actually was published as two books (the review is on my blog), and I swear, if it had NOT had a happy ending, I was going to be furious. I've read books that dragged me through horrible catastrophes and difficulties, only to ALSO end unhappily. Grrrr!

    As I said on my blog, it doesn't have to be totally jolly, but the ending must at least be redemptive and/or uplifting in some way.

    Cindy at Cindy's Book Club

  11. I'm not sure if I've ever really thought about the endings of books I read, as far as any pattern.

    Because of all the comics I read, and those usually being the mainstream stuff like Superman, X-Men, and other properties that exist in perpetuity, there never really seems to BE an actual ending, so I get used to the quasi-endings that might prove somewhat satisfactory for the current story, maybe close a door on one thing, but even on a dark ending there's that little glimmer of hope that'll bring you back or set you up for the next story.

    For example, the Death of Superman, World Without a Superman, and Return of Superman (1992-1993).

    As some of the fun has gone out of reading-to-review, I've stepped back from doing as much with reviewing. That's one rut I've been in and out of a few times the last several years.

    Thanks for stopping by and reading my post! Have a great weekend!

  12. If you read what you enjoy, there's no reason to feel bad.

    Thanks for stopping by on my blog!

  13. Haha, I love reading a lot of supernatural books, like I said most of the books I read are of the young adult variety. But, lately I've been branching out a little bit and reading more contemporary and other things like, Steampunk. :)
