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"Aimee thinks she can push right between them and on toward the school. They move to let her past, but the three of them close around me and I'm convinced we are going to get physical right here and now, until another voice stops everyone."
Aimee and Alan have secrets. Both teens have unusual pasts and abilities they prefer to keep hidden. But when they meet each other, in a cold Maine town, they can't stop their secrets from spilling out. Strange things have been happening lately, and they both feel that something-or someone- is haunting them. They're wrong. Despite their unusual history and powers, it's neither Aimee nor Alan who is truly haunted. It's Alan's cousin Courtney who, in a desperate plea to find her missing father, has invited a demon into her life-and into her body. Only together can Aimee and Alan exorcise the ghost. And they have to move quickly, before it devours not just Courtney but everything around her.
I wasn't sure if I was going to like this one or not as I am not a fan of the Need series by Carrie Jones but I absolutely loved her other three books so I thought I might as well give this one a go and I'm glad I did because I am really enjoying it.
That's all for now.