Thursday 24 March 2011

Booking Through Thursday 10

Booking Through Thursday is a weekly meme which asks a bookish question which you have to answer.

This weeks question is:

Series? Or Stand-alone books?

I like both, it all depends on what mood I'm in as to which one I prefer at any given time. Thinking about it though most of my favourite books are series books. One of my most favourite authors, Tamora Pierce, only writes series. Although off the top of my head I can also think of some favourites that are stand-alones.

I get seriously frustrated with series books which is why I usually wait until there is at least three books out before I will go near them. I find waiting between each book actually turns me off a series, mostly because I usually forget what the hell is going on. There is nothing better than sitting down to read knowing you have the next books in the series waiting for you. One of my favourite memories is starting the Dresden Files and being able to read the first eight books in row.

But there is something about a really great stand-alone books that can actually top series books. They can leave you with that sense of satisfaction and completion that series books can't.

That's all for now.


  1. I read that the publisher made Tamora Pierce split her books up into series because they felt that young readers wouldn't read them otherwise. She thanked JK Rowling for provin otherwise. Each series is in the same universe mind you so I suppose it would still be a series even if she hadn't split them up

    I have the exact same problems as you. I forget what happens in the last one if there is too long a wait. It's very frustrating and off putting. Also agree with you about stand alones being over all more satisfying.

  2. For me, it is always stand-alone books. There are exceptions though. Check out those in my BTT: Headlines post!

  3. There are a lot of books I'm glad are stand-alone...The book thief and The time traveler's wife comes to mind at once. But I like series too :-)

  4. Good thoughts! I wish I had the willpower to wait until there were 3 books in a series lol. Once it's out, I gotta read it!

    Here's the rest of my answer:

  5. I like both, but books in a series more. Here is my answer for this week's Booking Through Thursday.

  6. I enjoy both. True, the problem with series is the waiting.

  7. I like having all the books in a series before starting it. I get impatient waiting for the next one.

    Thanks for visiting me!

  8. I like both as long as it keeps you reading.

  9. I can't wait but if to read 3 books in a series. As soon as it comes out I'll read it and if it is awhile before the next one will come out. I will read the books again before hand.

    If I didn't like the first two books in the series then I just won't read anymore, but that rarely happens. Thanks for Sharing :)

  10. I completely agree about stand alone novels, when you get a good one, they can be really impactful
    That said, I still love a good series and they seem to be getting more and more popular as the years go by

  11. What I like about the series is that they really submerge you in a story. You are sucked in for a very long time. They can take over your life :)
    Here's mine:

  12. Good point about waiting. I think that's what killed off my interest in the Jean Auel books. By the time the fourth one came out, I had moved to a completely different place in my reading interests.

    Thanks for mentioning Enid Blyton on my blog post today. New to me, but my library has the first two Adventure series novels in one volume, so I'll take a look!

  13. I agree with waiting for the next book. Because I read so much, I do forget about some things in a previous book. I like this topic, lots of different perspective.
    Thanks for stopping by!
    Natalie :0)

  14. Heey
    Sometimes it does really depend on my mood. If I'm feeling adventurous I like to start stand-alones and get into new characters. If I'm looking for something steady I go for series!
    Thanks for hopping by!!

  15. Oh, I'm too impatient to start a series that isn't finished. I can't even watch TV series because I get frustrated. The need for instant gratification is a curse.

    A question though, is there a difference between the gratification of reading one book as opposed to reading an entire series of, say, 8 books? Is the experience hightened by the sheer volume of the work?

  16. I like to wait until a few books in a series are out, too, before I read any of them. In fact, I didn't get into Harry Potter until six of the books were out - I read them all in two weeks, and then it was torture waiting six months for the final book!

  17. I feel the same way. I like both, depending on the storyline.

  18. i like them both, but the thing i don't like about series is when the next book isn't published yet and i have to w8 to read it...
